Visual weighting inmr
Visual weighting inmr

visual weighting inmr

In the talk Multinuclear experiments for the determination of oligosaccharide structure in liquid crystal phases, Jim Prestegard described how orientational information could be obtained from weakly aligned biomolecules through measurements of what would become residual dipolar couplings, now an essential element of nearly all protein NMR studies in solution. In the session on ordered biological systems, two of the talks were particularly notable for where they have led. It started with a talk on NMR strategies and high-speed MAS by Gary Maciel, which could be given today until you notice that the abstract mentions speeds “inching toward 30 kHz.” The experimental NMR methods discussed in the talks Measurements of two-dimensional NMR powder patterns in rotating solids (Takehiko Terao), 13 C- 15 N Rotational Echo Double Resonance (Jake Schaefer), and Rotational Resonance in solid state NMR (Bob Griffin) are still being refined and combined to provide the pulse sequences applied in contemporary studies of polycrystalline proteins. The magic angle sample spinning session introduced a number of advances that have transformed this field of research. There were entire sessions devoted to magic angle sample spinning, ordered biological systems, and dynamic nuclear polarization, in addition to those in the more general areas of pulse sequence development, materials and biological imaging, and things that now would be referred to as exotica.

visual weighting inmr

I am struck by the prescience of so many of the presentations. Twenty years have passed since the 29th ENC, and this is the first time that I have looked at the scientific program since the meeting was held. Also, this meeting led to the ENC being included on the New York Times list of key meetings on the scientific speaker's circuit. Notably, this was the first ENC organized by Judith Sjoberg and her Science Managers company, and this relationship has had a profound effect on all subsequent ENCs by ensuring that the meeting arrangements are of the same high quality as the scientific presentations. Fortunately, Rochester New York lived up to its reputation as the Flower City by having unseasonably warm weather in April of 1988.

visual weighting inmr

29 th ���� - 1988 Rochester Chair: Stanley Opella Local Arrangements: Nick Zumbulyadis There was some concern about the northern location selected for the 29th ENC.

Visual weighting inmr